Busy Apps
BusyCal for Mac
BusyCal for iOS
BusyContacts for Mac
BusyCal for Mac
BusyCal for iOS
BusyContacts for Mac
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Top FAQs
Licensing Explained
BusyContacts update stuck on Converting Database
Cannot log into Exchange account
Unable to log into iCloud. I'm seeing password incorrect prompts.
Apps crashing on macOS 10.15
WAN Sync is no longer working
Reminders from iOS 13 / macOS 10.15 Reminders aren't syncing
Zoom account keeps requesting to be reauthorized
I cannot log into my Yahoo account, it says my password is incorrect
Activity list is not showing emails in BusyContacts on macOS Catalina
G Suite accounts will only allow access to apps using OAuth. Does this affect BusyCal or BusyContacts?
How do I turn Dark Mode off on Mojave?
How do I migrate from an old computer to a new computer?
Manage Plugins button not showing in Apple Mail preferences
Why does BusyCal require iCloud credentials and not use local calendar access?
How do I setup Microsoft Teams or Graph API access in BusyCal?
Google Hangouts video call links appear in notes field
I see "Installation Failed" error when running the installer
Cannot connect to Exchange server
I cannot see any of my contacts in BusyContacts, my address book is suddenly empty
I cannot see any of my events in BusyCal, my calendar is suddenly empty
Cannot add multiple alarms to events on Exchange / O365
Does BusyCal iOS support syncing attachments?
Does BusyContacts support file attachments?
BusyContacts did not download any photos after adding a new account
How do I sync Tags between my devices?
End Timezone is ignored when creating events in a Google Calendar account
Alarm field in Meeting Events syncing with Google is disabled
Cannot connect to Fruux
Why does my inbox show that a change was made by an Unknown Person?
Two week widget appears blank
Alarms not showing in BusyCal
Does BusyCal iOS support adding contacts to events?
Why don't I see updates on iOS 10 for BusyCal iOS?
Will there be further upgrades to BusyCal 2
How to upgrade BusyCal
Tags I delete in BusyCal come back after a few minutes
How to update BusyCal and BusyContacts
How to setup sync with Synology
How to downgrade from BusyCal 3 to BusyCal 2
How can I hide a calendar without deleting it?
How can I try BusyCal 3 without losing BusyCal 2
How can I avoid duplicate alarms from being displayed?
Can I download old versions of BusyCal and BusyContacts?
Birthdays / Anniversaries are not showing up
Shared calendars keep disappearing from our Exchange account
Snooze alarms from Outlook are not appearing in BusyCal
Event titles don't reflect the same color I've set on the calendar
Not receiving invites for my iCloud alias
Unable to connect to an Office 365 / Outlook account
Events from Microsoft Bookings not showing in BusyCal
Does BusyCal support creating different views of the same data?
BusyCal / BusyContacts crashing on launch. Corrupt database.
Unable to connect my Google account
The badge count on the iOS app won't refresh
Why do I get an error stating that the following events could not be stored to the server?
How to set BusyCal and BusyContacts as the default apps
How do I remove the shared Family calendars from BusyCal?
BusyCal's icon in the dock is not showing after the update
Why does a red badge appear on the BusyCal icon?
Can events be paused?
Default calendar for Todos shows all listed calendars grayed out
Why can't I assign a To do to a particular calendar?
Why was Weather Underground removed from BusyCal?
Why does BusyCal launch when I snooze or dismiss an alarm?
Where can I buy BusyCal iOS?
What does the BusyCal Menu app do?
Is there a BusyContacts version for iOS?
How can I convert an event into a todo or vice-versa?
Does BusyCal support location based travel time alarms?
Why does BusyCal require access to Location Services?
Why does BusyCal on iOS create all day events at times and other times not?
Weather in BusyCal is not showing
Selecting a Cloud Syncing Service
How do I add my LinkedIn account to BusyContacts?
Can I sync with Exchange?
Tags in BusyContacts are appearing as records in Google Contacts
Does BusyCal support Google Hangouts?
Does BusyCal sync with Google Tasks?
Can I sync Facebook events with BusyCal?
How do I add Google resources as locations in BusyCal?
How can I change the colors in BusyCal?
Birthday set for a contact in Google is not syncing with BusyContacts
Why do I see a "There is no application set" error in BusyContacts?
Why does BusyCal need access to Contacts?
Does BusyCal have access to my calendars / events?
What email apps is BusyCal compatible with?
How can I change the colors in BusyContacts?
How do I merge multiple calendars into a single calendar in BusyCal?
How do I clean up duplicate contacts in BusyContacts?
Does BusyCal support syncing with other apps, such as Omnifocus and 2Do?
Does BusyContacts support Bulk Editing?
Does BusyContacts support Exchange Global Address Lists (GAL)?
Does BusyContacts support printing the phone list?
I am using MailMate but BusyContacts is not showing any emails
What email apps is BusyContacts compatible with?
Will BusyTodo be updated for iOS?
Does BusyCal sync Settings between multiple devices?
Does BusyCal support Push sync for Google Calendar?
Any plans for a Windows OS version?
BusyCal 1.6 is not compatible with OS X 10.9 or later
BusySync 2.3 is not compatible with OS X 10.9 or later
Importing from Now Up-to-Date and Now Contact
BusyCal has recently become slow and sluggish. How can I speed it up?
How can I get access to a pre-release version of BusyCal / BusyContacts?
How do I uninstall BusyCal?
How do I uninstall BusyContacts?
How do I uninstall BusySync?
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