Busy Apps Help

  • Microsoft Exchange servers provide a number of online services, among which is syncing and sharing calendars. BusyCal can connect to Exchange servers, using them to sync calendars across your devices and share them with others.

  • Microsoft Exchange servers provide a number of online services, among which is syncing and sharing contacts. BusyContacts can connect to Exchange servers, using them to sync contacts across your devices and share them with others.

  • BusyCal on the mac allows you to add Microsoft Teams meetings to all your Office 365 events, which requires connecting to Microsoft's Graph interface. The new Office 365 connection type recently added in v2024.2.1 also requires access to Microsoft Graph.

  • Currently in Beta. In our continuous effort to enhance BusyCal's connectivity and feature set, we have transitioned our syncing mechanism for Office 365 accounts to utilize Microsoft Graph API, Microsoft's latest sync offering.

  • Office 365 accounts syncing via Exchange Web Services (EWS) do not support Microsoft Bookings. We have prepared a new account type (currently in beta) that uses the new Microsoft Graph API and will support Bookings.