Mar 16, 2018
BusyCal 3.3.0
BusyCal 3.3.0 has been released and is available for download.
Release Notes
- [NEW] Events with start and end times spanning multiple days now appear combined. (Preferences > Appearance > Multi-day events)
- [NEW] Click and drag in month view to quickly create all-day events
- [NEW] Improved readability of events (when Calendar Colors are selected under Peferences > Appearance)
- [NEW] Auto-alert setting now also applies to imported events (via .ics files)
- [NEW] Day / Week view visual improvements. Grid lines for 30min intervals and improved legibility.
- [NEW] Some visual tweaks and improvements to the Info Panel
- [NEW] 'My Alarms' are automatically exposed for calendars with "Ignore Alarms" checked
- [NEW] Multiple tags assigned to an Event now show in full in the Info Panel
- [NEW] Alarms can be added without first clicking on (+)
- [NEW] Map in info panel is now interactive. You can now open directions in Apple Maps from the location pin.
- URLs of websites in events are now displayed in full
- Quick Add popover no longer dismisses when switching between apps
- Calendar colors no longer reset to black when syncing against servers that do not support them
- Refresh of some visuals and icons
- Improved searching of contacts when adding attendees and contacts
- Improved automatic conflict resolution during sync
- Improved auto-sending of pending invites
- Improved auto-save in notes
- Improved auto-detection of custom CalDAV servers
- Improved location detection
- Improved detection of network availability
- "Make Plain" option on an event now applies to both the title and notes
- Snooze-delay entry field in Alarm window now auto-selects the default entry to allow quick editing
- Fixed a bug where month / day would get swapped when updating completion time
- Fixed a bug where the date for an all day event wouldn't appear in search results correctly for Aukland
- Fixed a bug where duplicate emails would appear in results for contacts when using multiple accounts in Apple Contacts
- Ongoing stability improvements
How to install the update
The update is free for all BusyCal 3 customers and is available now.
- Direct customers can update by selecting Check for Updates from the BusyCal menu.
- Mac App Store customers can update from the Updates tab on the Mac App Store (awaiting App Store approval).
- New users can download the BusyCal 30-Day Trial.