Sep 17, 2014
BusyCal 2.6
BusyCal 2.6 has been released and is available for download.
Release Notes
- Added support for coloring events via Tag colors (also compatible with Exchange/Outlook category colors)
- Added support for Airmail and MailMate (for sending meeting invites, email alerts and logs)
- Added support for searching attendees when searching
- Added support for storing account credentials in Keychain
- Added Paste as Rich Text menu command; Text is now pasted as plain text by default
- Added ability to double-click image well to open Graphics Palette or attached image in Preview
- Added synthesized change notifications for all servers
- Fixed malformed timezones in British Airways itineraries
- Fixed malformed ics files by converting slashes in UID to underscores
- Fixed bug that caused unnecessary use of GPU
- Fixed bug that prevented dragging contacts to Notes field on retina display
- Fixed bug when opening event from Alarm Window while running in full-screen mode
- Fixed quick entry bug for events starting at 11pm
- Fixed some iOS8 and Yosemite related bugs
- Fixed window sizing bugs in Tags dialog and free/busy viewer
- Fixed year-less Birthdays bug in New Zealand Time zone
- No longer encoding certain characters used in URLs (:/+$)
- Localization changes
- Database format changed to support future integration with BusyContacts
- Added support for SCHEDULE-AGENT=CLIENT parameter when storing iMIPs to iCloud
- Added support for syncing To Do DTSTART with iCloud for better compatibility with iOS Reminders
- Improved handling/mapping of iCloud calendar colors
- Improved iCloud syncing performance
- Fixed crash caused by new iOS8 parameter X-APPLE-TRAVEL-DURATION;VALUE=DURATION
- Fixed Google bootstrap error when attempting to connect via port 80
- Fixed Google 404 error when storing invites addressed to non-gmail attendee
- Fixed Google 410 error when privilege change requires a full sync
- Fixed Google null title bug on free/busy calendars to display [Busy] instead of (null)
- Added Advanced login options for Exchange Accounts
- Added support for Private Tasks synced with Exchange
- Fixed Exchange crash that could occur when changing both an event's time and time zone
- Fixed Asia/Singapore Timezone bug when syncing with Exchange
- Fixed Exchange Login bug on Yosemite
- Fixed Exchange repeating event bug that caused last occurrence to be omitted
- Fixed Exchange sharing bug when granting Free/Busy or Delegate privileges
- Fixed Exchange time zone related bugs
- Fixed crash when syncing malformed Exchange categories
CalDAV Servers
- Added support for Fruux public calendar sharing
- Added support for Synology CalDAV server
- Added support for schedule inbox on old-style CalDAV servers (Google, Kerio, Zimbra)
- Added support for free/busy viewing on old-style CalDAV servers (Google, Kerio, Zimbra)
- Fixed OS X Server calendar-no-timezone invalid overridden instance bug
- Display "Private Event" for Zimbra private events with null title
How to install the update
BusyCal 2.6 is a free update for all BusyCal 2.x customers.
Mac App Store customers can download the update from the Mac App Store
Direct customers and Trial users can download the update here
Upgrading from BusyCal 1.6 to BusyCal 2.6
If you are currently using BusyCal 1.6, see Upgrading to BusyCal 2.6 for more info.